Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The "C" word

No one likes to talk about it, but sometimes it gets right in your face and you have no choice but to meet and intruduce yourself to it ....cancer.
I never thought I'd find myself there, but thanks to early detection I found out that I had breast cancer. I always thought I would freak out to hear that news, but somehow a calm came over me and I knew I had to handle it in a matter of fact, keep on smiling kind of way.
The surgery removed the cancer, now the key is stopping it from returning, although I haven't found out yet what those treatment options will be.
Before my surgery Lacey and I went out dancing at Jack's...a going-away party for my breasts such as they were. I had no idea how much would be removed, so figured I'd take them "out for a spin" one last time. Thankfully I woke up from my surgery and found out that they didn't look drastically different , and my dear surgeon even gave into my request not to take out my nipple piercings! (A trivial request, but it was important to me!)
So now I wait....listen to the proposed treatment plan....get a second opinion...make a decision....follow up.....count my blessings... and still say to myself what a beautiful journey life is!

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