Friday, October 26, 2007

Once Again

Once Again

I wasn't looking for you,
but still you found me,
wandering on the path
back to myself.

A smile between us
and time stood still,
taking us back to familiar ground,
past and future
coming together in that moment.

Heart to heart
flesh on flesh
a beautiful connection of spirits.

Across the miles I still
hear your laughter,
see your smile,
feel your touch,

And the heaviness of missing you
is outweighed
by the joy of knowing your soul
once again.

October 23, 2007

Friday, October 19, 2007

Greetings from Florida

I am in Florida for a week. I awoke this morning to the sun rising over the ocean, opened the window and felt the warm breeze blowing across the water. It gave me a chance to count my blessings and think about this path I am on.

When I was a young girl one of my friends mothers told me "you are a peacemaker". At the time I did not understand her, but I see now what she meant. My life has definately been full of opportunities to give my peaceful, loving energy to others.
A couple of years ago I had a vision, or calling, that I need to follow the path of a healer. So many signs and opportunities keep confirming that. So, as I venture out it is frightening at times, but I keep on becaue I know it is the right way to go. In those times when i feel scared, frustrated, or sad, I just try to find that "light" inside of me and center on it....bring the light into focus and let it grow and replace the darkness. That light is love. It is "God" or whatever you want to call it, and I know it is the answer to all. I try to always shine that light when I relate to other people, and I see how the effect it has on them is so amazing. Even in my sexual encounters, I am able to open up completely, give of myself totally, and actually become "one" with the other person. It is such a beautiful place to be.
I know I need to receive the gift of Reiki to better share my gifts. Although I am able to heal already, and it has been happening more and more lately, the reiki touch would add so much more to the love I give.
And so the journey continues....

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Amazing Ride

Life is like a roller coaster, full of ups and downs.
But it's those moments that take your breath away
that make it such an amazing ride!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My journey into Tantra

This past weekend I went to a 12-hour tantra workshop in Phoenix.
The lessons were an amazing journey, connecting my physical and spiritual parts.
It was a journey that is hard to put into words, full of every level of emotion: joy, pain, ecstacy, sorrow, fear and strength.
While I learned so much, it was also a confirmation to me that I have already been traveling on a journey of tantra these past couple of years, but did not have a label for it up until now.
It was a testimony of my desire to love, to heal, to give of myself to feelings reflected in the ancient teachings, coming back to me in a way I could better understand.
I know it was not just a conincidence that this workshop took place on the weekend that I happened to be in Phoenix. It was another stepping stone in the beautiful path of my life.

Breitenbush Revisited

Last month I returned to Breitenbush, this time to give a concert there. On September 9 I had the pleasure of performing in the North Wing of the main lodge. It was so great to be immersed in the beauty and magic of Breitenbush once again, and especially to be able to play my keyboard and sing in that wonderful place.
I took my friend Jackie with me, so that she too could understand and experience just how special this place is.
We met a new friend, Charlie, and I spent a lot of time with him, enjoying his laughter and bubbling spirit. I know that He is another strong connection of the hearts in this magical forest,
another blessing in my amazing adventure through life.