What is the meaning of life? This age-old question has given many the cause to search for an answer. With each friend or loved one that passes away, the answer becomes more clear.
Last month my friend Damien died in a windsurfing accident. This past week Rodger Campbell, a fellow musician, passed on in the early morning hours of the day a benefit in his honor took place. Both were kind and gentle souls who touched the lives of those they met, who gave of themselves freely, and who will be missed by many.
Life goes on for the rest of us, and with it a responsibility to live the best we can, trying to make the lives of those around us better.
My recent battle with breast cancer has given me the opportunity to search my heart for answers. What I found was this:
~Each day is a beautiful gift.
~The best time to do something you care about is now. Don't wait for "someday".
~When you open up your heart to give, you are also open to receive.
~Live each day in gratitude.
~Love does not come from us, but through us.
If heaven is a place we create, then I know that Damien is boarding on the river, Rodger is playing music, and someday I will be there too, singing and dancing, grateful to have been given this amazing journey through life.
At last it becomes so clear. What is the meaning of life?
The answer is simple and pure: LOVE.