This is the ancient petroglyph named Tsagaglalal, most commonly called "She Who Watches".
To the native americans she was a place of great power and wisdom. Even today, being in her presence is a very moving experience.
The following is a poem I wrote the first time I went to see her.
It was the start of the spiritual journey I am now on.
“She Who Watches”
Earth Mother, you have been calling to me
For years now.
Finally, today, I came to see You.
High up on the rocks,
You looked down upon me
And I felt in your gaze the years of pain you have endured.
My blood flowed from my moon cycle,
My tears flowed from my soul,
And I understood how we, as women,
Have suffered for centuries
The blood and tears of our people~
Giving life, loving, dying…
What hands carved you into stone,
So many years ago?
And for what purpose?
Perhaps just to tell us, who come to You,
That life is a journey
We must live the best we can~
That changes will happen.
There will be joy and sorrow along the way.
But in the end, we all get
The same chance to live,
To use our gifts wisely,
To share with others the love
We are meant to give.
Rishell Graves
May 13, 2005